The Magnificence Of The Subconscious Mind

13 min readMar 10, 2021


I often compare human minds with icebergs. Human consciousness may be represented by the tips, while subconsciousness may be represented by the submerged parts of icebergs. The subconsciousness covers 90% of our minds, just as 90% of icebergs are underwater. The scientists do not want us to know nor use subconsciousness. That is the reason they keep making absurd claims, such as: “Humans can use 10% of brains, at the very best!”. Those “10%” represent the consciousness, however, our lives and habits are shaped by the remaining 90%, or, the subconscious parts of our minds!

The subconsciousness is the connecting link between the finite/conscious (man’s) mind, and the Infinite Intelligence! It stores pictures, thoughts, sounds, impressions, and feelings. The storage capacity is also known as “memorizing”.

According to Dr. Alexander Rich who was a professor of Biophysics at M.I.T., human brains have the capacity to store ALL of the known information in the world.

Dr. Ross Addey of the Space Biology Laboratory of the Brain Research Institute at U.C.L.A. said that the creative capacity of human brains is INFINITE!

The subconscious mind does not forget, and it doesn’t differ from imaginary from real, false from true.


Self-image may also be called “paradigm”. Until the age of seven, human consciousness is inactive. Children can learn easily because their minds are operating at theta level for the majority of the time. They actually do not learn but are involuntarily being programmed. Unfortunately, this knowledge is unknown to 99% of parents, who are exposing (programming) their children to negative (destructive) thoughts, sounds (language/music), emotions (fear, doubt, anger, grief, sadness, discouragement, jealousy), pictures (poverty all around everybody). That results in a mind that has predispositions to become a handicap, or, a curse instead of a blessing. That is the reason why children most often inherit their parents’ behavior, habits, and even lifestyles. For example, my mother is “careful” with money, because her parents were impoverished. She taught me to be careful with money, and make savings for the rainy days, however, by the Grace of God, my soul indicated me not to listen to her.

Logically we may conclude that we are going to become replicas of our parents if we decide to think, feel, and act as our parents do!

As Reverend Ike said, if you save money for rainy days, it is going to rain, because you expect the rain and have faith that is going to rain. In this article, I will explain the importance, significance, and power of faith which will enable you to understand the meaning behind Reverend Ike’s claim.

To repair the damage that was caused by ignorant parents and society, we must reprogram our minds.

“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” Proverbs 4:23

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2

The word “Heart” indicates the subconscious mind!

Our minds are creating misery because we’ve been programmed to do so! As programmers say: “Garbage in, garbage out!”.

“How I may reprogram my mind?”, you might be wondering… I will tell you how!

We may voluntarily plant in our subconscious minds plans, thoughts, and goals which we desire to translate into physical (including monetary) equivalents, however, to achieve desired results, we must speak the language of the subconscious mind, otherwise, our calls will not be answered. That language is TEF (thoughts empowered by faith/feelings).

In other words, we can program ourselves with ease if we know how to do it, and when to do it.

When: the first and the last 60 minutes of our awake states our minds are operating at theta phases. That is the time when “affirmations” are going directly to one’s subconscious mind, or, in other words, that is the time when subconscious minds are easily being programmed.

How: to alter the self-image, one first must set a destination, then decide to “sail” towards it. Undesirable thoughts can be seen as unfavorable winds. You must start choosing thoughts carefully. No one can force you to accept negative news and thoughts. Bad news bearers do not need to upset you. Kindly reject those ideas, and stop listening to news programs that were created to misinform, and reprogram your mind to think negatively.

This is an important HABIT, therefore, if you fail a couple of times do not be harsh towards yourself. Decisions build daily habits. Daily habits build decisions. Keep feeding your mind with positive thoughts, and ideas, every day! Some might say “I read affirmations last week”, yeah, and you ate last week too! It is important to feed the body, and it is even more important to feed the mind. Your mind is fertile soil that doesn’t care what is going to be grown at it. If you cultivate it, it will reward you with flowers and fruits. If you let the world cultivate it, soon, you will find it full of wild weeds and bush!

This is where the technique of affirmations joins the party. “Auto-suggesting” is the controlled way of programming one’s mind. Our minds are consistently being programmed. We are not able to avoid it. The best thing we can do is to “start cultivating our minds”, instead of letting the world grow the wild bush in our minds.

Whether you are aware of it or not, we are always getting the perfect results, because ALL are in direct proportion with states our minds operate at!

The ultimate goal of auto-suggestive programs is to alter one’s thought habit. Companies and news stations are doing that successfully, for decades! Whenever they want you to spend your money or surrender your freedom, they start bombarding you with commercials, and fake news. Since our future lies in our present attitudes and mindsets, I am going to share affirmations (in the final chapter of this article) that helped me alter my mind, and replace my “poverty” attitude with a prosperous attitude.

“Self-image is the key to everything.” Reverend Ike

TELEPATHY: human brains are broadcasting and receiving stations for vibrations of thoughts. We are receiving other people’s thoughts, and broadcasting our own. That is “how” we may feel someone’s energy or even intentions. How many times did someone tell you “You radiate happiness!”, or “You are too sad to be hanged around!”? Humans tend to think only superheroes possess such “powers” (abilities), however, human brains work on the principle of electric impulses. Once we back up our thoughts with emotions, we alter impulses, which cause a change in the results we achieve. Creations are followed by creativity, prosperity by prosperous mindsets.

“Birds of a feather flock together. If you run around with losers, you will end up a loser.” Les Brown

Whenever you see a group of living beings, you are witnessing the synchronicity of their minds. Minds of those “losers” and “birds” are working on the same frequency, out of which are pouring the same thoughts, and results.

Therefore, stop dealing with unsuccessful people if you want to be successful. Stop dealing with negative people if you want to be positive! It is like dealing with explosives, and hoping not to end destructive!

No one will ever find eagles in chicken coop’s playing poker!

“The key is to keep company only with people who are uplifting you, whose presence calls forth your best.” Epictetus

THE INDICATOR: the key indicator of whether you are on the right track or not is balance. Even though the conscious mind is smaller and less capable than the subconscious, is equally important. To work properly, both parts of our minds must work on the same frequency (be balanced), and be backed up by fitting emotions. Therefore, once you manage to balance your mind and emotions, know that you have reached the season of your miracles.

The following picture shows the frequency-chart of different emotions:

Obviously, there are emotions you should embrace, and emotions you should avoid.


There are some essential tools one must use correctly and constructively to manifest a breakthrough in life. Those tools are free, while the usage is unavoidable. Most people are unaware and ignorant of their possessions, and powers, so, they are using gifts against themselves. In other words, their possessions are their curses, instead of blessings. Those tools are:

a) Imagination (vision): keep dreaming! Imagination is not childish, and people should not be taught to kill off their imagination. Some of the greatest dreamers were Nikola Tesla and Sir Henry Ford. Fantasy is the backbone of every major success!

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18

“What you see (with your inner eye) is what you get!” Flip Wilson

b) Speech: according to the Holy Bible, God spoke the world into existence. Words are either used as weapons or gifts. They either destroy and poison, or create and heal. In the Bible, it has been said “Let the weak SAY, I AM strong!”. Yet, I will add:

“Put away from you crooked speech, and put devious talk far from you.” Proverbs 4:24

In the 1980s, scientists carried out an interesting test in the USA. They planted two identical plots of corn and treated those plots identically, except the way they SPOKE with plants. Plot A was praised, while plot B was insulted. Plot A grew, multiplied, and became fruitful, while plot B died away.

I warmheartedly suggest to start praising the good in other people if you want them to be more polite with you, or simply leave you alone! Never focus on someone’s bad traits and habits.

“When you speak of your poverty and lack of education, you are directing your mind power to attract those undesirable circumstances because it is true that whatever your mind feeds upon, your mind attracts to you.” Napoleon Hill

c) Gratitude: whenever we give “thanks” for what we are given, we attract more to be thankful for. The opposite of worry is not peace, but gratitude. Gratitude is fear’s and resistance’s worst nightmare which protects one’s focus and makes everything possible.

d) Focus: I love to explain the power and importance of focus by comparing it with sunbeams and magnifiers. The power of sunbeams is greater if we magnify them to a single spot! They can easily set afire! However, if we disperse them, the change will go unnoticed. Now think of your thoughts as sunbeams, and focus as a magnifier. If you focus on your goals, you will set them ablaze (achieve them, sooner or later), but if you allow other people, things, and “news” to distract you, your dreams will die away.

One of the most common reasons people fail is because they lose focus. You will lose focus every time you begin counseling with your conscious mind. It will represent all kinds of doubts, fears, and negativity as reasons why you should quit.

Rather, say “thank you” (literally) to your conscious mind and never mind its nonsense. That is a HABIT you will have to exercise and master to reach levels of ultimate success because the entire world has been programmed to think negatively (A.K.A. realistically), instead of creatively.

“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” Bruce Lee

d) Focus: I love to explain the power and importance of focus by comparing it with sunbeams and magnifiers. The power of sunbeams is greater if we magnify them to a single spot! They can easily set afire! However, if we disperse them, the change will go unnoticed. Now think of your thoughts as sunbeams, and focus as a magnifier. If you focus on your goals, you will set them ablaze (achieve them, sooner or later), but if you allow other people, things, and “news” to distract you, your dreams will die away.

One of the most common reasons people fail is because they lose focus. You will lose focus every time you begin counseling with your conscious mind. It will represent all kinds of doubts, fears, and negativity as reasons why you should quit.

Rather, say “thank you” (literally) to your conscious mind and never mind its nonsense. That is a HABIT you will have to exercise and master to reach levels of ultimate success because the entire world has been programmed to think negatively (A.K.A. realistically), instead of creatively.

“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” Bruce Lee

f) Gifting: we must give to get! Farmers give seeds to fields, and nature gifts them back with fruits in return. You cannot gift away money if you are penniless, but you can gift away your time and talents. Help somebody without expecting to receive anything in return. Soon, you will find yourself being gifted and blessed by everyone. “Miracles” will be happening to you on a daily basis!

I was also penniless when first I decided to “tithe”, so I started feeding birds, abandoned dogs, cats, and fish at the nearby lake. Needless to say, miracles happened and almost effortlessly I became a money magnet.

The principle behind it is simple. Whatever we can walk away from is what we have mastered. Greed keeps sending us back to the test by repelling our goods until we learn to apply this ancient technique. Gifts never actually leave our hands. Rather, they are entering our future and waiting (multiplied) for us to reach higher levels of awareness, productivity, and prosperity.

You can gift your time, talents, and treasures. All forms of good that you sow into the lives of others can be considered a gift.

g) Faith: is the master key to success. It is the ingredient NO prosperous cakes could be baked without. Faith shifts one into the consciousness of “miracles”. It can be seen as the force that pushes the wind behind the sails of your soul. Faith is unavoidable. We either have faith in ourselves and God or faith in fears and doubts.

To have faith in oneself, one must be passionate about what one is doing. To have faith in fears and doubts, one must establish a loser/slave paradigm.

As I explained earlier in this article, such paradigms are established during childhoods, with the “help” of our parents. It is important not to mind lying (conscious) mind and eyes because sometimes we can’t see our progress, and success, until the race has been finished.

We can say that slightly differently: “Walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

Keep your spirit calm during storms, because warfare ALWAYS lingers around the birth of a miracle. If your mind says “no” but your souls says “yes”, go for it. To break through you must rebuke the mind’s negativity enough times, as much as it is needed to alter the paradigm and reprogram the subconsciousness. We’ve been programmed since birth, so, do not expect the change to occur overnight.

“According to your faith, so be it unto you!” Matthew 9:29

“To believe in the things you can see and touch is no belief at all, but to believe in the unseen is a triumph and a blessing.” Abraham Lincoln

Your state (of being) is determining what you are attracting. The state of being is the energy level (vibration) your mind is operating at for most of the time. So, to achieve the good you desire, align your mind (both, conscious and subconscious) and emotions with the energy of your goals, just as you would tune the frequency of your radio with your favorite radio station.

Do not think of your consciousness as your “friend”, because it is the only enemy you will ever have to fight against to achieve your dreams. It will be punching you with absurd and negative claims, such as: “All of this is nonsense! I do not want to work, I want a donut! You are being fooled! You are wasting your time! Nothing is happening! Do not take risks, this is not safe!”

Voluntarily shift your thought into being the person who is already being, doing, and having all the good you desire. See yourself living the life of your dreams!

Mentally step inside of your vision of yourself, and see, feel, hear, taste, touch, and smell the world around you from that level of BE-ing.

Your conscious mind’s struggle is not the answer/solution to the problems that the very same conscious mind has produced!

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” Marcus Aurelius

“Your mind will take the shape of what you frequently hold in thought, for the human spirit is colored by such impressions.” Marcus Aurelius

“We have power over our minds, not outside events.” Marcus Aurelius

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” Napoleon Hill

A negative mental failure can bring you nothing but failure. You are where you are, and what you are because of your mental attitude. A positive mental attitude is the only means by which one may convert adversity, defeats, and failures into assets. Dream big, think big, and be big! Always shoot for the moon, because even if you miss, you will end up among stars.

AFFIRMATIONS: read the following affirmations aloud twice daily. In the morning, and before falling asleep!

a) Affirmations For Forgiveness:

“My mind has been made up! Right here, and right now, I am forgiving, forgetting, and releasing all grudges from my heart, and my mind.

I am forgiving all of those that have wronged me in the past, and I am forgetting their guilt.

I am forgiving myself for the mistakes I have made, and I am forgetting my guilt.

I am canceling guilt from my heart, and my mind, and I am looking to the God in me for joy, love, prosperity, success, and the perfect health.”


b) Affirmations For Success And Prosperity:

“I am so happy and grateful not for Heavenly productivity the Lord, my God is blessing me with all the time.

I am so happy and grateful now, for Heavenly ideas, visions, and solutions the Lord my God is planting in my mind all the time.

I am so happy and grateful now for Heavenly wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence the Lord my God is gifting me with all the time.

I thank You, Lord, my God, for an instant manifestation and materialization of all of my positive wishes and desires.


c) Affirmations For Financial Prosperity:

“I am so happy and grateful now that all kinds of money and crypto coins are pouring into my pockets and crypto wallets freely and easily, all the time!

All kinds of money and crypto coins are flowing to me, freely and easily, all the time. The riches are showing up in expected and unexpected ways!

I thank you, Lord, my God, for financial prosperity you are blessing me, enriching me, and gifting me with every day, all day, all the time, non-stop!”

