Endocrine Disruptors Affect Brain Development

3 min readDec 30, 2022



I stumbled upon a YouTube video about endocrine disruptors and their “contribution” to the phenomenon of plummeting IQ, testosterone, and fertility. That motivated me to dig deeper and learn more about this topic. How do endocrine disruptors work? Why do they affect the brain? Is there an effective preventive measure? Are endocrine disruptors avoidable? These are just some of the questions I was keen to find answers to. Fortunately, most of my questions were answered by Science For The Public and Mrs. Yvonne Stapp who interviewed Dr. R. Thomas Zoeller, Ph.D., an Emeritus Professor of Biology at the University of Massachusetts and a director of the Laboratory of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Endocrinology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Dr. Zoeller is an expert on the role of thyroid hormone in brain development. I recently wrote an article on that subject. You can find it here: The Importance Of Iodine

The process of brain development is compromised by numerous factors, including iodine deficiency, the mother’s dietary choices, her physical health, and exposure to environmental toxins, including endocrine disruptors, found in various everyday products. According to Dr. Zoeller, every baby born in the United States is born pre-polluted. Scientists analyzed cord blood and found over a hundred different industrial chemicals that indicate the alarming situation which in many cases results in irreversible consequences. Despite their harmful effects on the environment and the health of all living beings, most industrial chemicals remain on the market for reasons I explained in the fifth part of a series of messages on how to increase IQ.

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with the hormone-production system. As mentioned earlier, they are omnipresent and can be found in all sorts of products, from personal care products and cleaning products, over water, conventionally grown fruits, and vegetables, to plastic containers and non-stick cookware. Almost all personal care products with a fragrance (including toothpaste) have phthalates that interfere with the hormone-production system. Parabens are also to be avoided! These chemicals cross the placenta and affect the development of the fetus. As a result of intoxication, the brain remains underdeveloped.

How and why?

The thyroid hormone is essential for the proper development of the baby’s brain and body. If the mother’s thyroid hormone levels are low, the baby’s brain development process will not be completed. As a result, babies are born with brains of smaller volumes and suffer from low IQ. There are several different pathways by which chemicals affect thyroid hormones. One of the most common mechanisms is the chemical called Polychlorinated biphenyl. Such chemicals “activate” the liver and cause the liver to clear the thyroid hormone from the blood of the mother. The fetus doesn’t develop a thyroid gland until the second trimester. The thyroid hormone is critical during the first trimester. Therefore, the only source of the thyroid hormone is the mother. If thyroid levels in the mother decline, the baby will consequentially be left without thyroid hormone. This may seem unimportant, but the individual is the smallest unit of society. Exposure to endocrine disruptors in combination with iodine deficiency (which is nowadays common) are guarantors of the decline of civilization.

How much is too much?

In reality, there are no safe levels. Even a minimal dose disrupts the process of development. Almost 20% of children today are diagnosed with some kind of innate neurodevelopmental disorder.

I urge you to watch the following video and learn more about this subject:





Written by Gemstone

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